Vel The Wonder Vel The Wonder - Mija

Dream big mija
You can see the world
Everything the Sun touches is yours

Don't focus on this place
Dream bigger than anything
Then focus on that race

You were meant for big
Ya im talking real loud
Got me feeling like ya dad
Real proud

Listen anything boys can do
You can do better
And no man will love you more t
Han me ever
Ya mom too

Rooting for you always
Focus in on ya future always
Take care of your brothers and sister
You only have each other on this earth

I promise you this worth
You gone learn from all of my mistakes
I'll prepare for you to settle in for all of life's embrace
And if I ever yelled a little too much, it's cus I love you
My first daughter, no one comes above you

Mija dream big
Anything you can do, you can do big